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The Amityville Horror (1979) 00:39

The Amityville Horror (1979)

The Beach Girls (1982) 02:35

The Beach Girls (1982)

Top 10 Vintage 70s Gay Porn Scenes Compilation 30:08

Top 10 Vintage 70s Gay Porn Scenes Compilation

he Big easy (1986) 01:19

he Big easy (1986)

The Blazer Girls (1975) 01:08

The Blazer Girls (1975)

The Burning (1981) 01:03

The Burning (1981)

The Class of 84 Part II (1984) 00:39

The Class of 84 Part II (1984)

The Color of Money (1986) 01:14

The Color of Money (1986)

The Concrete Jungle (1982) 00:48

The Concrete Jungle (1982)

The Curse (1987) 00:32

The Curse (1987)

The Demons of Ludlow (1983) 00:58

The Demons of Ludlow (1983)

The Entity (1982) 01:31

The Entity (1982)

The great Texas dynamite chase (1975) 00:29

The great Texas dynamite chase (1975)

The happy hooker goes to Hollywood (1980) 00:48

The happy hooker goes to Hollywood (1980)

The House on Sorority Row (1982) 01:03

The House on Sorority Row (1982)

The Immotalizer (1989) 00:47

The Immotalizer (1989)

The Indecent Woman (1991) 00:16

The Indecent Woman (1991)

The Lady in Red (1979) 00:48

The Lady in Red (1979)

The Lady in Red (1979) -X 01:03

The Lady in Red (1979) -X

The Last American Virgin (1982) 00:27

The Last American Virgin (1982)

The love butcher (1975) 01:35

The love butcher (1975)

The Loveless (1981) 00:42

The Loveless (1981)

The Majorettes (1987) 01:33

The Majorettes (1987)

The Naked Cage (1986) 00:33

The Naked Cage (1986)

The Nest (1987) 00:30

The Nest (1987)

The Playbirds (1978) 00:31

The Playbirds (1978)

The Possessed (1977) 00:46

The Possessed (1977)

The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981) 01:51

The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981)

The Prey (1983) 00:28

The Prey (1983)

The Rain Killer (1990) 00:39

The Rain Killer (1990)

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975 00:43

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975

The Seduction (1982) 01:45

The Seduction (1982)

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) 02:08

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)

The Squeeze (1977) 02:01

The Squeeze (1977)

he Surrogate (1984) 00:36

he Surrogate (1984)

The Undertaker 1 (1988) 00:17

The Undertaker 1 (1988)

The Unseen (1980) 00:26

The Unseen (1980)

The Weirdo (1989) 01:05

The Weirdo (1989)

The Wild Life (1984) 01:19

The Wild Life (1984)

The Yum Yum Girls ( 1976 ) 00:54

The Yum Yum Girls ( 1976 )

They're Playing with Fire (1984) 01:17

They're Playing with Fire (1984)

To All A GoodNight (1980) 00:30

To All A GoodNight (1980)

Tootsie (1982) 00:46

Tootsie (1982)

Truckin' Buddy Mccoy (1982) 01:20

Truckin' Buddy Mccoy (1982)

Twisted Nightmare (1987) 00:37

Twisted Nightmare (1987)

Ultimate Desires (1991) 01:44

Ultimate Desires (1991)

Van Nuys Blvd. (1979) 00:17

Van Nuys Blvd. (1979)

Vendetta (1986) 01:35

Vendetta (1986)

Vice Academy (1989) 00:06

Vice Academy (1989)

Video Vio lence 2 (1987) 02:41

Video Vio lence 2 (1987)

Vio lence in a Women's Prison (1982) 01:16

Vio lence in a Women's Prison (1982)

Wacko (1982) 01:08

Wacko (1982)

Weekend Warriors (1986) 00:19

Weekend Warriors (1986)

Weird Science (1985) 00:25

Weird Science (1985)

Welcome To 18 (1986) 01:11

Welcome To 18 (1986)

When He's Not A Stranger (1989) 00:10

When He's Not A Stranger (1989)

Witchcraft 2 The Temptress (1989) 00:50

Witchcraft 2 The Temptress (1989)

X-ray (1981) 02:04

X-ray (1981)

Zapped Again (1990) 01:33

Zapped Again (1990)

Saturday Night Special (1976, US, Jamie Gillis, full movie) 61:17

Saturday Night Special (1976, US, Jamie Gillis, full movie)