I Think I'll Call This One...
added: 2015-03-28 from about 10:10 to 11:08 is dead clip, as a commenter pointed out. Considering I'm slothful as hell, unless u have a fun looking at my comfy washroom(complete with washer and drier) for a lengthy minute, feel free to skip ahead =p This is basically a episode of me giving myself an enema, being plugged to retain it for a little bit, and then releasing during the time that diapered. Now that the actual description's outta the way...Wow, I could've done way more excellent with this one. 16 minutes, and already slightly edited as it is =/ Ah well, despite the...Mmm, 'boring' parts, I went throughout likewise much trouble for the opening to just scrap this. Shoulda included the enema bag in the discharged during the time that I was getting filled, maybe been positioned sideways to the web camera whilst messing...But hey, that's hindsight, ya? Hope u have a fun ^.^