Sirs' requests
added: 2015-04-24 While applying cp to my butt through my legs, ardmay1 told me not to neglect my butt crack, boiporco requested I apply cp to my thighs while my butt still showed the marks of previous cp, urosmh told me not to neglect the balls, and eirebob said I should lick my wellies. This is my attempt to respond. No wellies but I responded to eirebob's comment: eirebob, thank you for your comment, I appreciate it. In this video if I licked the wellies I'd be submitting to those wellies and who's wearing them. If I was a slave and Master told me to lick Master's wellies I'd do it or suffer the consequences, likely in my case not to get severe discipline. To try to respond to boiporco I applied the instruments not just through my legs when that didn't seem harsh enough but afterwards used three heavier straps as prep for the thighs. As to ardway1 and urosmh you'll need to judge. Please rate this video and leave comments.