Peau Lisse Academy X
added: 2016-09-03 In an off-voice, Ursula White tells about her happiness after her wedding and her ensuing honeymoon night. Flashback: We can see them making love but the voice tells about her frustration at not being able to fulfill her husband's expectations, a feeling of being ra-ped being on the way. She immediately decides to leave him, change her appearance - becoming a brunette after being a blonde, and looks for help from her friend Diana. Diana is a good friend indeed and soons finds a very loving way to comfort her. Yves comes to take her back and Diana decides to put up with him too in order to bring the couple together. They start fiddling together until he comes into her hands. But once again the off-voice seems to hint at her incapacity at giving him pleasure (though the pictures seem to point to another story. Some sort shortcoming from the script, I guess!). She decides to ask for her friend Bernard's help. Talking together they search her memory for armful memories from her manhood. She remembers watching her parents in a very-very-very soft scene which is supposed to have hurt her (but how? We may wonder...). She then decides to get closer to her husband. With this idea in mind, she takes him into her mouth first, then in her hand and eventually in diverse other orifices. We are then ready to believe that she is cured when, after he has come on her buttocks, she asks him to come into her. After a few seconds he suggests having a baby together. Words of happiness for her. Now that she is pregnant, she becomes jealous of his students. The off-voice keeps on prattling about her frustration and incapacity to give him full pleasure while we see her masturbating him until he comes. (That discrepancy between what is said and what we can see is definitely annoying). Next scene takes us to theatre. Alban Ceray is an actor and he has an affair with Diana. While they progress in their tender encounter, Yves has an affair in her room with a lovely blonde actress (Kate?). Once again, and this time with a baby in progress, Ursula White leaves her husband (Had they been back together!) and joins her dear old friend Diana where she very quicly gets solace from her so-called state of dispair. We then can witness an ancient encounter between Ursula White and Alban Ceray which seems to be some sort of explanation for her present problem. The scene took blace at dusk and in the woods. Nothing really worth of a psychoanalysis, expecially since she seemed to quite enjoy it... Yet, this event seems to be a milestone in her life ...Bernard tries to lead her deeper into her self-analysis by sticking first his hand, then his tongue and eventually his pecker into the frustrated woman. She apparently enjoys the thing and once again we think : "OK. This is it. She's cured." Missed again! Next try: she takes part in some sort of group therapy. Alban C makes love with beautiful Diana in front of her. Bernard who is at first watching, aptly slips his hand to her most hidden and tender pot. But she balks again and leave the three others in their extatic threesome, while she remembers her parents and her mum's rapidly ensuing death (can't see the logic here either!) Now the baby is born and the off-voice hints at her new feeling of fulfillment A few years later, while in a park with her girl, she is accosted by Yves who asks her to start everything anew, Husband, wife and parents. Now, she is really cured. Moral: Having a man