added: 2015-11-30 The thug recently had some serious oral surgery so his face is swollen and he had difficulty speaking ヨ and he is *******(see the beer bottle blocking his face). We start out fucking in the モprison ra peヤ position, then doggystyle, and end with the thug sitting on my cock, facing the camera. You can hear me begging モDonメt cum yet! Donメt cum yet!ヤ and we end up cumming simultaneously. I have a loud and relatively violent orgasm with the thug riding my cock this way. Some pretty decent views of the thugメs huge cock and at the end, a good close up shot of his creamed ass ヨ just for you felchers. SEVERAL PICTURES OF THIS THUG ARE ON THE PROFILE and see him top me the first video that I uploaded. Please see profile about the poor video quality description and apology.