Roy Stuart's Glimpse 3
added: 2017-10-01 Whilst every sizeable episode in no's 1 and 2 has, for the alert, its quotient or infusion of tenderness, only a minority of Stuart's viewers/voyeurs may spot it amid the intense provocation of mind as much as groin of the so much that can be found going on in them. The first six minutes of Glimpse 3 give flashing hints of the kind of whirling whole we've already had to thank Roy Stuart for, albeit there happen to be no male-female conjunctions shown. But the accomplished Anna Bielska, who can look any age from 13 to 23, is there dancing, now clothed now naked, in parks and alleys of Rome. Then a sternly entrancing brunette, legs wide-spread on a gilt chair, holds knickers aloft soon she will be near-naked on the carpet, beginning a magical self-caressing journey.